
We have more than 45 corporate partners that represent all areas of the media and entertainment industry.

THF partners with leading companies in the media and entertainment industry, including technology firms, public relations companies and advertising agencies. Our partner companies offer a diverse set of experiences and opportunities for our interns.

Join with the T. Howard Foundation to work toward diversity and inclusion in your company as a Diversity Partner, as an intern host company, or by hiring a talented alumni (see our distinguished partner companies).

Support our many interns and alumni by offering your time and expertise by becoming a mentor or by speaking at or hosting an event…sign up below to “Get Involved”!

Become a Diversity Partner

Diversity Partners are both traditional and non-traditional media-related corporations that embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Request an

THF partners with media and entertainment companies to provide interns with paid, professional work experience…spring, summer, and fall.

Connect with Job Candidates

Seeking diverse talent for full-time job openings? Connect with qualified THF candidates.

Get Involved

Become a mentor

Get paired with an intern and provide space and support to share career interests and goals.

Host an event

Co-host/sponsor a networking event, a recruitment event, or special program.

Participate in THF event

Share your experiences…speak or participate on a panel at intern orientation.

Share an event

Hosting an event that you’d like to share with THF members? Tell us about it!